Danida is the term used for Denmark’s development cooperation, which is an area of activity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. On these pages you can find information about Danida and Denmark’s development cooperation.

Denmark’s development policy aims to combat fighting poverty through promotion of human rights and economic growth. Danida has responsibility for the planning, implementation and quality assurance of Denmark’s development cooperation. There are local and posted staff at Danish embassies and missions abroad who are responsible for the administration and management of Denmark’s development cooperation with the individual country.
Danida facts
- In 2016, Denmark disbursed roughly DKK 15.96 billion (or USD 2.34 billion) in development assistance.
- Denmark is one of only six countries in the world that lives up to the UN target of granting 0.7 per cent GNI in development assistance.
- Denmark has been granting development assistance since the end of the Second World War.
What does Danida mean?
- Danida is the name of Denmark’s development cooperation. This is an area of activity under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.
- The first law on development assistance was passed in 1962 and the name Danida appeared in 1971. Danida has its own logo that highlights Danida as an independent area of activity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.